
Summer Firsts and Fun

It's still fun to experience firsts...

First time in an inflatable bouncer.

Other summer firsts...
First time eating cotton candy (if only one bite; the "icekeem" won over on the sweet treat that night).
First time sipping an Icee (note to self, no more high fructose corn syrup...even at a 5 sip limit..whew).
First time using the potty and wearing big girl underwear (we're low key here for the start but it's going well so far).
First double-scraped knees from running down the sidewalk. (with Dora band aids to make it all better of course).

Other summer fun...
Spending nights at Shu-Shu's house. I don't have any pictures to document this, but with mom on summer vacation from school, Grayson got to go several times to spend one night at Shu-Shu's house. Boy did they have fun. Grayson is still talking about it.

Her hair has gotten so long that she now can sport pigtails, ponytails, and braids.

This doesn't really qualify as fun, but I wanted to make note that Grayson gets bit by mosquitoes just as often, if not more, than me. So we have not had much summer fun in our yard. She looked down at her bites on her legs the other day and said "oh my goodness!"

Maymay and Peeps took her to Yum-Yums for her favorite summer treat the other week, ice cream. If you ask her what things taste like (even kale that we had for dinner tonight), she says "sta-berry icekeem". I sure wish kale tasted like strawberry ice cream to my taste buds.

We're also enjoying the summer "fun" (moments of fun, moments of not-so-fun-more-like-a-part-time-job) of finally renovating our attic . More on that later. Grayson likes to call it "Grayson's room". I personally think it will become Maggie's room because the dog adores anything carpeted over this hardwood floor she has to lie on all the time.

All in all, we sure do love summer in this house.

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