For the past few weeks Gray and I've gotten to go down to the curb market on Saturday mornings after Mil feeds and goes back to sleep. It doesn't get much better than a daddy/daughter day. Everybody tries to peek in the stroller and remarks about all the hair on "that baby." One vendor asked me (two weeks in a row): "what booth did you get that baby?" We go down, grab a coffee and cinnamon bun for dad and a scone for mom. Grayson gets to hold onto the scone (see picture) and I try to both a) not let Grayson fall asleep and b) not spill coffee on her head - neither one is an easy task by itself; doing both at once is nearly impossible. We go up and down the aisles and I tell her what things are (apples are easy, but try explaining fat back, goat cheese, and hand-painted gourds.) By the time we're through, she starts to fall asleep and we rush back home for a nap. Like I said, doesn't get much better.
Grayson picked out the paper whites. One of the things Mil is trying to do to keep Christmastime less crazy (now that we have a babe) is to only do the traditions we really love. Making sugar cookies was near top on that list (since we got the lighted balls up.) So tonight we made up two sheets of cookies; I made Mil roll them extra thick so they're chewy. Grayson loved it - she was Quality Control sitting in her bouncy seat on the kitchen table.
Mmmmm. Grayson wonders if her milk will taste like sprinkles. I guess another tradition (starting this year) is to dress up our kids in funny outfits.
We sure do know how to have fun.
That might look like an ornament, but it's on her head.