This week Finley learned to sit on her own! A few weeks ago she was able to do it for five minutes, then ten, then all of a sudden, she could sit for hours. I think this is my favorite milestone.
Grayson is a huge fan as well, as you can see from the sister-love pictures below.
Other current events in Finley's world...the girl loves solid food. She now eats breakfast, lunch and dinner. She likes rice cereal or oatmeal and then pureed anything...bananas, pears (favorite), apples, prunes, sweet potatoes (favorite), peas, green beans, squash, and carrots. She protested at first to homemade food and preferred jars, but now she's good with either. We've been trying some puffs and banana pieces now that she is sitting this week. She makes a funny face at the texture and is still learning how to get it from hand to mouth, but opens her mouth for more once she tries it. She will also drink a few sips of water from a
sippy cup.
We dropped the dream feed about 3 weeks ago and were able to leave her for a night with
Maymay and Peeps to get away! Then she thought bottles were just
ok, not great, but now she will take them like a champ. This is big news for her since she has rejected bottles for a while now. She nurses four times a day and takes two naps (anywhere from an hour and fifteen minutes to two hours each nap) and an evening 30 minute catnap to make it to an 8pm bedtime. I think she is close to dropping the catnap as some days she fusses instead of sleeping.
She also has 3 teeth, two front bottom ones, and one front top one. The second front top one is so close to coming in. She gets a bit fussy when teeth are close to cutting, really fussy with the top one. At her sixth month check-up, she was 17 lbs (75
th percentile) and 27 inches tall (90
th percentile). Unless she's teething she is a very content baby. She smiles a lot and laughs at just about anything
Grayson does. She sometimes moves her arm up and down as an attempt to wave when we say "hey" to someone.
She is starting to enjoy books more, which is basically a requirement for living in our house! She likes the
exersaucer, but mostly I think because it has some of the best toys for teething. She rolls around to reach toys. She almost always flips to her tummy to play, and sleeps that way too. She loves stroller rides and also loves the ergo. She watches
Grayson like a hawk. It won't be long before she's chasing after her!