
Introducing Ms. Grayson Wynn Smith

She (that's right - she) was born on September 18th, 2007 at 7:33pm. Weighing in at 8lbs and 12.8 oz. She's 21.5 inches long and full head of brown hair.

Mil started having more regular contractions Monday night (while we were watching the Princess Diaries; should have known right then that she was going to be a girl.) We didn't get much sleep that night due to the contractions: me with my timing them, and Mil with her having them. We prank called the OBGYN on call at 2:30am, he said to wait another hour then head to the hospital. At 3:30 we decided no to go because (after packing everything up and taking a shower) the contractions were less frequent. Around 6:45 mil started having contractions 2-5 minutes apart. She didn't think fixing me biscuits and gravy would really help the baby come along and so we left for the hospital around 8:25.

I drove while she winced. They checked us in and after filling in the paperwork, they moved her to triage ("Is that better than a nurse, Focker?") and they checked Mil's oil - she was at 5cm. It took them a while to move her to her delivery room and by the time the epidural kicked in, she had been feeling really rough pains for about 2-3 hours. They broke her water (eww) and she went to 7cm. She was quickly at 9-10 and almost ready to push. the baby was face up (not the way to go) and the doc and nurse tried a number of things to flip her over. No luck. Mil still pushed (like she was squat thrusting a IH Scout II) for about 3.5 hours over a 4 hour period. At one point during that time, she shifted positions and the monitor wouldn't pick up. The nurse couldn't find a heartbeat, then she tried another way and that wouldn't work either. It was five minuted before she was able to find a heartbeat. Ugh. Longest 5 minutes of our lives.

We finally had to decide to do a c-section. I put on a all white paper suit (that had a dress shirt collar for some reason), shower cap, and face mask with eye shield. They wheeled Mil in the room and it was another 20 minutes before I could go in. We sat behind the curtain while they tugged and pulled at Mil's belly. they had to push the babe back up to the stomach because she was so close to coming out door #1 already. Finally they held up our little baby girl: Grayson Wynn Smith. I've never seen a cuter smurf.

I whisked Gray off to the nursery and along the way she got to meet her grandparents (all four had been waiting patiently). Mil was still getting stitched up and wasn't going to be able to see Grayson (or anybody for that matter) for about 3 hours after delivery. Well Millie the overachiever showed signs of progress so quick that they let her out of recovery and into our room in 30 minutes. She go to see Grayson around 9:00. What a treat!

We've slept little and Mil is still recovering from her run-in with the Mac Truck yesterday, but we're doing well. I changed my first diaper this morning and Gray didn't cry a bit; Mil was impressed and told me I was great (and told me she had a fence I could whitewash too).

Thanks for all your prayer for us. We'll need more of them, but we're doing well and are thankful as we can be.


melanie said...

She is beautiful....good job Millie! Can't wait to meet her...love you guys!

Karen ("Noni") said...

Justin and Millie - WAY TO GO!!! She is absolutely beautiful! such a precious gift! Love (Great) Aunt Karen

jonathan smith said...

I'm kinda liking the way the granddaughter "trendline" is looking...

Yea for Millie, Justin, & G.W.


Melissa said...

what a sweetie! a beautiful surprise. =)

Kevin & Amy Sasser said...

Anna can't wait to meet her new little friend. She just finished looking at Grayson's sweet picture and listening to mommy tell her all about her. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats and I can't wait to see her!!! Just think, one day her name could be on the GGFFL trophy...

Anne Smith said...

Justin & Millie-What a sweet baby girl she is. I feel so blessed to have been there in all the excitement. I love all of you, MayMay..........

Charlie and Sara Atkinson said...

Congratulations..she is beautiful!! Charlie and I can't wait to meet her. Hope all of you are doing well..Mil you did great!

Renee Franklin said...

Welcome to the hood Grayson! We can't wait to meet you. Congrats Millie and Justin, she is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Welcome Grayson! We can't wait to meet you! Love, Ginger and the rest of the Wileys

Unknown said...

she is SOOO precious! i can't wait to meet her face to face!!! yahoo!! we love baby girls! ali

Anonymous said...

Chin dimples are an obvious sign of superiority. They have the 'cute' thing going for them as well!