The hair continues to grow. Still a bald spot in the back, but down over her eyes in the front. Clips are a daily thing these days.
And the teeth continue to grow as well. She's got five now with two more just about to pop through. (and a side note shout out to my friend Melissa for the yard sale tips, $5 on this exersaucer, what!? can't beat it!)
Other fun activities these days include...rolling all over the place, finding tags on toys in less than 10 seconds to chew, waving to the "baby" in the mirror, playing pattycake if you sing it, or "clapping" (her hands don't quite meet yet) if you say "yay!" and clap yourself, finding your ear when you burp her and laughing, looking for people "hiding" around corners, snuggling with her sleep sack like a woobi, and smiling when I call daddy to her room at night to tuck her into bed. Almost eight months old!
Hey Grayson,
Brookie has the same exersaucer...have you figured out yet that the toys pop off if you pull hard enough?
SO glad you found that!!! what a great deal! glad the tips helped! let me know what other treasures you find!
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