
A Public Service Announcement

Do not, under any circumstances, mix vinegar and bleach.

Not even if you are cleaning your dishwasher
. . . of mold and mildew
. . . due to it being installed incorrectly,
. . . and you've had a long day at work
. . . and you just bathed your baby and your dog in the same night
. . . and you think some site on the internet told you it was ok
. . . and the results are just great, I mean, like 'brand new dishwasher great'.

All of the above seem like good reasons to use the deadly combo and/or reasons that your sins of using the deadly combo should be absolved, but they're not.

Mr. Yuk says don't do it. Unless you want scare your wife and have to call 1-800-222-1222, like the sticker says.

Don't worry, 'Tammy' at Carolina Poison Control was very helpful and said we're all ok. Ooops. And Millie made me promise not to kill us all with chlorine gas ever again. Double oops.
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"Happy Five Years We've Been Married"

I found a deal on a condo on Bald Head Island and so I took the girls for a long weekend. We had a blast; pictures below.

Top Ten List:
1) Golf cart rides
2) Watching our wedding video for the first time
3) Eating a 'steamer pot' dinner outside on the harbor
4) Grayson learning to laugh when we laugh
5) Praying together
6) Grayson being a model citizen (sleeping really well in the condo and in her big girl seat in the car)
7) Drinking coffee out of a mug that said "MurrayMan" (like SuperMan)
8) Saying "no touch" 100 times to Grayson - wait, wrong list.
9) Smoking Cheap Cigars
10) Coming home

Happy five years we've been married, Millie. I wouldn't trade you for a truckload of dead rats.


9 months of daddy...

9 months of thinking about becoming a daddy...then 9 more of actually living the fun! Happy father's day...we love you!

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Long Lost Hubby

Justin here - Millie's long lost hubby.

I've been studying for level three of the CFA exam (article here) for the last five months, and pretty must non-stop for April, May, and June. The public library parking garage guy knows my name and wishes me luck (Thanks Albert!)

If you get a chance, you can pray for me on Saturday (9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm) and I gather with 12,000 other nerds across the world to take level 3 with my:
  • 5 pencils (4 backups),
  • 2 calculators (1 backup),
  • 1 pencil sharpener (no backup!?!?),
  • 2 pens (1 backup),
  • 2 erasers (1 backup),
  • 2 sets of ear plugs (1 backup),
  • immodium ad (to back me up - sorry, coarse joking!),
  • 2 forms of proper identification (1 backup),
  • 5 exam admissions tickets (4 backups), and
  • 400 hours worth of studying swirling in my head.


Mil's been great this whole time. Constantly encouraging. Mostly saying "you'll do great Hoost" whenever I take a big breath and my arm starts to twitch. And she reminds me that the world won't, in fact, stop spinning if I don't pass. She's "surpasses them all" on a daily basis.

If I pass (and don't have to wait a year to re-take it next June) I'll break into a chorus of "I'm Bringin' Springtime Back" to the tune of "Bringin' Sexy Back"

Of course that will have to wait till late August when they release the results. ugh.