
Back in action...

Our computer is finally restored, so here starts my attempt to catch up on the highlights of the last month.

Grayson had her first tummy bug. To be exact though, for record keeping, she "frew up" on Peeps, as they were walking into the Barnes and Noble, 20 minutes after he picked her up so Justin and I could head out on a date night. Ewe. Let's just say that I about barfed AFTER MayMay 'returned her to sender' pretty well cleaned up and stripped down. She went immediately into the tub and then onto the couch. Thankfully there were no more 'incidents' at home and the slight fever passed on by in a day or two. I did panic a bit when I heard her say "uh oh" in the monitor at 4am, but it was a false alarm.

We went to Raleigh for the high school graduation of a dear friend Kristen (far left, Lauren her older sister is on the right). The girls were my "real life baby dolls" when I was a kid and they moved in next door. Grayson was enthralled by them. She also really liked her first BBQ and hushpuppies experience at the party.

She decided to take over this table in our kitchen as her new favorite playspace. I have since moved out the cookbooks to another shelf because daily she insists on playing in her "fort". Notice the woobi on the floor by her feet. She drags it all around this house and goes into full panic mode when I wash it to try to make it turn back to a normal color.

This picture is fuzzy, but she was admiring her new "high pig tails". Her hair has gotten so long and everyone comments when they see her on how blond she is turning.

She is still talking up a storm. Actually, its fairly non-stop. And she wants audience participation. Because she will repeat a word or phrase over and over and over and over until you acknowledge it and discuss it with her. "I sit down right here" and "mama/daddy sit down right here" are favorites. Equal to her obsession with motorcycles, which she calls "moto-si-kees" (with a long "i" sound).
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Mandy said...

Evan and her would get along GREAT! He's fascinated with motorcycles too!!

Lauren and Kristen (Tammy's girls!!!) oh my gosh!!! What a great pic!!

Melissa said...

oh, those cute pigtails are the best i tell you!! and it's good your getting her used to you doing her hair. river still gets excited about me doing things to hers, but now it's more her decision and not so much mine anymore. ;) most mornings she just wants a clippie!! which is still super cute...thanks to you!!