As a child, I had big dreams of becoming a vet. Instead of Barbies, various Pound Puppies inhabited my room. Fast forward to high school where I realized vet school was an
extra four years and I said no thanks. And then I had a big realization that I'm not so good with blood (not so good meaning the sight of it makes my head spin), which was going to be a problem. So in college, I decided I'd become a zoology major, only four years needed in that, and I could still work with animals without the surgery piece. Good compromise. I remember wondering if I'd work at a zoo, or travel to some exotic location and study lemmings. After a year and half in the program with calculus, organic chemistry one, and a pig dissection under my belt, I decided I'd rather work with people. I could settle with pets of my own. Or with visits to the Natural Science Center....
Grayson was basically in awe the whole time that the animals we read about were alive and moving. And then she giggled when the goats ate leaves out of her hand.
we had a great glad we could hang out for a bit!
Such a fun morning. I love the picture of them in their strollers. Soon we will not be able to contain them so easily!
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